Mosaic Grid Solutions
Mosaic Grid Solutions
Mosaic Grid Solutions GmbH was established in spring 2022 and is located in Karlsruhe, Germany. With our experienced team – consisting of renowned experts in power engineering and high-voltage technology – we support our customers both internationally and nationally as an independent service and consulting company. Whether transmission or distribution grid operators, manufacturers, project developers, engineering service providers or public authorities, we provide assistance and guidance to all stakeholders involved in the energy transition as a trustworthy and competent partner. Our focus is on the requirements for the operation of converter-dominated grids, the preparation and execution of system integration and interaction studies, the analysis of transient equipment stresses and the direct involvement in large-scale power electronics projects. In particular, the latter category includes high-voltage DC transmission systems and grids, flexible AC transmission systems, battery storage systems, but also digital and hydrogen infrastructure facilities such as data centers and electrolyzers.