The Bündnis Bürgerenergie e. V. (BBEn)
The Bündnis Bürgerenergie e. V. (BBEn)
The Bündnis Bürgerenergie e. V. (BBEn) is a pioneer for the decentralized energy turnaround in the hands of citizens, bundles and represents the interests of citizens’ energy. It supports the networking of actors in the regions and is publicly committed to a culture of citizen energy. The alliance imparts knowledge and qualifications to community energy actors so that they can continue to actively shape the decentralized energy transition with innovative ideas. At the beginning of 2014, eleven organizations initiated the Alliance for Citizen Energy with its headquarters in Berlin. In the BBEn, local, regional and nationwide active associations, networks, companies and people come together. The common goal is to ensure a decentralized energy transition in the hands of the citizens.