Renewable Energy Cyber Security Forum
Berlin, Germany
The lack of standards, insufficient board level understanding of cyber threats, legacy assets and new technology pose important challenges for cyber security professionals working in renewable energy, both in Europe and US. “Assessing and mitigating cyber security risks on your assets” is the slogan of the two-days meeting organized to discuss cyber security strategy and recommendations, cyber hygiene, implementation of risk management schemes, regulatory issues and more throughout real use case studies, World Cafe sessions and panel discussions.

Renewable Energy Cyber Security Forum
Assessing and mitigating cyber security risks on your assets Renewable Energy needs a common understanding of cyber threats and mitigation strategies to enable protection of assets from the internal and external threats which could truly compromise businesses and result in heavy economic loss, reduction of energy production as well as serious PR repercussions.
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IFAT Africa
IFAT Africa is the ultimate platform to showcase technologies and solutions for water, sewage, refuse and recycling for the sub-Saharan Africa market. The trade fair is the gateway for international companies to the African market and for African enterprises to the global market, connecting key industry players with senior buyers and decision makers in the region.