Recycling Technik Dortmund

Asia 2023 – Water Resources and Renewable Energy Development in Asia
WATER RESOURCES AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA Now that the new dates have been announced for ASIA 2023, we have relaunched the event with some updated information (click the button below to find the brochure with new details). Those with papers originally accepted for the programme now have the chance to review and update them, and the programme will be completed with the addition of some new papers. If you would like to propose an additional presentation for one of the sessions, please contact us as soon as possible, and at the latest by 3 October.

CO2 Capture, Storage & Reuse 2023
This year we are focusing on utilisation of captured CO2 and its use for production of building materials like cement, concrete, steel, but also production of advanced fuels that will contribute to further decarbonization of other sectors. Also, as 2022 was a breakthrough year in terms of policies and regulations for green technologies we will be discussing the influence of legislation on the state of carbon capture and utilization technologies.