Smart Cities India

Non-Road Mobile Machinery Electrification and Hybridization Forum
This forum will cover wide range of topics such as electric motors, hydraulic systems, safety, battery technology and reliability. Furthermore, the forum discussions will review the present status, give insightful analysis of the future trends and the business potential of electric and hybrid non-road machinery. Also propositions for overcoming the challenges that are related to the (NRMM). The forum is a hybrid event in which it will facilitate virtual and face to face attendance, learning and interaction.
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InterMET Asia
InterMET Asia 2023, now in its 8th successful year, combines a specialised exhibition, a conference strongly focused on applications across a range of key activities, and a forum that brings together equipment manufacturers and service providers with the WMO, the national meteorological and hydrological services (NMHS) and key organisations such as National Environment Agencies and the World Bank.