Solar Power International
As the anchor of RE+, Solar Power International (SPI) in Anaheim will connect you to North American solar industry professionals and vendors as they share the latest insights impacting your business and showcase the newest products and services in the industry. SPI gives you access to an attendee-base that represents over 24 segments of the industry, including installers, contractors, major utility companies.

Energy Storage Summit
As Europe grapples with an energy security crisis, net-zero targets and increasing amounts of intermittent renewable generation, energy storage continues to play an essential role in the power sector. After a record-breaking event last year, join us for the 8th edition in 2023 where we are expanding in line with the growing opportunities for energy storage across the renewable sector. We follow the market as it navigates government policy, increased capital and an urgency to ensure grid resilience, but can the necessary scale be met across the value chain in order to meet renewable targets?