Modern Smart Solar solutions provide accurate real-time data of your solar utility. Data can be used for various purposes, from more efficient asset management and reduced operational cost to corporate and marketing communications. Typically, IoT and data enable totally new features that can be surprising. One example is that Smart Solar provides higher safety for your real estate.
Modo was founded in 2019 with a simple mission: To transform the energy industry through transparency of data.
Our two software products - NASH|dev and NASH|ops - enable renewable energy developers and producers to make better choices in all asset lifecycle stages. Choices rooted in unlocking the most economic and environmental value – and not simply the highest energy production at the lowest cost. To deal with the added complexity of integrative, value-based decision-making, we embed cutting-edge AI deep into our software product. Our AI-driven products enables the brilliance of human decision making by transforming vast optimization complexity into clear choices.
natcon7® is available as an independent system partner for the entire renewable energy sector. And with relevant expertise, over 17 years of industry experience and our own innovation forge. Our focus is on the development and use of innovative, solution-oriented products and services that make the operation of a power plant or power plant network safe, efficient and economically profitable.
We are a young and innovative full-service provider in the field of wind and solar farm planning and development, offering excellent data, analytics and software services to large and small players in the European renewable energy market.
NextGen Tower, a dynamic & robust engineering software, is developed fully in house to design, analyze, and optimize tubular steel wind towers for both soft-stiff and soft-soft categories. The primary motivation for developing ‘NextGen Tower’ is substantial tower mass savings and cost optimization for leading industry partners.
With our software opti.node, the decentralized and climate-friendly energy supply of your industrial and commercial sites is radically simplified.
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