Our company, founded in Forssa in 2004, specializes in the treatment and recycling of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash, contaminated materials, and hazardous waste.
State of the art technologies, modern recycling solutions and high-level knowledge in WEEE recycling enable us to be one of the leading companies in processing, purchasing and refining of WEEE materials.
Solution-oriented and flexible, our spectrum includes the areas of building material recycling and composting of green cuttings, demolition and earthworks as well as all gardening and landscaping services.
At Tammervoima, heat and electricity are produced from the mixed waste of the residents of Pirkanmaa. The power plant is owned by Pirkanmaa Jatehuolto and Tampere Sähkölaitos.
Tampere Regional Solid Waste Management Ltd. handles legally required waste management services for 17 municipalities in the Tampere region. The company is a central anchoring business in the ECO3 area. Its waste treatment centre, together with its bio plant (currently under construction), create a remarkable business environment for the circular economy in the area.
Tampereen Hyötypaalaus specialises in handling recycled materials from retail trade and industry. In the ECO3 area, Tampereen Hyötypaalaus has a recycling plant for receiving and handling plastics, cardboard and paper. Materials are processed and delivered for further use in different fields of industry.
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