The PV & Thermal Solar Directory

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Preseli Solar

Specialists in the design and installation of renewable energy systems.

Pricebusters Solar Energy (PSE)

We are guaranteed to be the largest and cheapest in the Netherlands.

PRIMUS Energie

Successfully develop renewable energy projects, quickly launch wind energy projects and photovoltaic ground-mounted systems. We create generation capacity for regenerative energy in close cooperation with all municipal decision-makers. As a project developer with over 20 years of experience, we have the expertise to implement energy projects smoothly. From the implementation of the land use planning for solar projects or the approval process according to BImSchG for wind energy projects to the operation of the system. We do this in close cooperation with municipalities, citizens, companies and energy suppliers.

Procast Energy Services

Their mission is to be at the forefront of innovative and sustainable energy efficiency solutions for residential and commercial premises across the country.


We are a leading builder and O&M party for large-scale solar installations in the Netherlands from 500kWp and battery systems in the Netherlands.

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