The PV & Thermal Solar Directory

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GENR8 Energy

EV chargers, solar panel installation and maintenance, battery energy storage.

Geo Green Power

As a nationwide renewable energy company, at Geo Green Power we are passionate about solar panel installs, ground source heat pumps, biomass and all other renewable energy technology and believe that there has never been a better time to invest in generating your own electricity.

Geo Solar Renewables

Geosolar is a solar photovoltaic (pv) installation company specialising in expert design and installation of PV solar arrays for domestic use.


Geowarmth provide renewable energy systems for heating, cooling and generating electricity.

German Aerospace Center, Institute for Solar Research

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is one of the world's pioneers in the research and development of systems and components for concentrating solar technologies. The DLR Institute for Solar Research, in which the solar research activities of the DLR are bundled, sees itself as a bridge builder from basic research to large-scale implementation and application in industry.


GermanPV is a leading developer of photovoltaic systems. We design, produce, plan and distribute photovoltaic products, components and facilities for solar power generation. We combine different innovations in solar power technology and develop exciting and cost-effective energy solutions for clients, in both the commercial and the residential sector.

GES Gebäude-Energiesysteme

GES Gebäude-Energiesysteme GmbH stands for the architecture and aesthetics of photovoltaic systems in facades and roofs of modern buildings as well as listed buildings and cultural and historical buildings.

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