Biomassehof Allgäu eG has been a supplier of biofuels in southern Bavaria since 1997. More than 800 members support the cooperative, in addition to private individuals, cities and municipalities, banks and companies. 70,000 t of pellets from regional raw materials are produced in our own factory and thus supplied to over 17,000 end customers.
Engineering inspired by nature’s process of perfection.
Facility operators, planner and investors of biogas plant use our profound biotechnological knowledge and the experiences made in overall 40 years of consulting and research works, which were done in the area of the aerobic bioprocess engineering first and since 25 years in the anaerobic bioprocess engineering.
Facility operators, planner and investors of biogas plant use our profound biotechnological knowledge and the experiences made in overall 40 years of consulting and research works, which were done in the area of the aerobic bioprocess engineering first and since 25 years in the anaerobic bioprocess engineering.
Compostable food packaging, made from plants and designed for the circular economy.
Our focus is on the technical and economic optimization of existing systems. Many of these biogas plants are not running optimally. Thanks to many years of experience and the technological approach, BIOPOWER WS sees itself in a position to bring systems that are performing below plan back into the target range (or beyond).
Enzyme combinations complemented by the enzymatic acceleration factor AC are optimized for the conditions in biogas plants. The result: the patent-protected UltraPract® products stand out due to superior efficacy.
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