Safe Working on Eco Energy Plants is a system for managing Power Plants such as Wind Farms, Combined Heat and Power Plants, Solar Parks, etc. Maintenance requests are entered by the maintenance supplier in a user-friendly Web portal and provided with the correct information and procedures.
We at Carelin have extensive experience from the wind power industry. We have had the priviledge of being in the industry already when the first industrial-size wind turbines were built in Finland in the 1990s. During the 2000s we have been able to learn more about the maintenance of wind turbines as the partner of a Finnish turbine manufacturer all around Finland and the rest of Europe.
Carey Ambrose is an award winning business consultancy practice. It was formed in 2007 and has been at the forefront of sustainable, environmental and ethical business transformation since its inception.
Derived from 100% renewable vegetable oils, FR3 fluid is validated, field- and lab-tested, and in millions of distribution and power transformers (through Voltage Class 420kV and Rated Capacity 300MVA 3p and 200MVA 1p) worldwide. It’s proven to be the superior dielectric fluid to mineral oil, and is simply THE choice for dielectric fluid in use today. It’s the smart solution—for performance, value, and peace of mind.
We enable flexible maritime logistics through 100% emission free micro cargo ships.
Recycling and trading of scrap steel and non-ferrous metals.
Since 2018, the Carlton Forest Group has invested over £5m in research & development to treat end-of-life-tyres (ELT) and develop a unique modular pyrolysis plant which converts ELTs into green oil and carbon char. The group secured a UK patent on its globally unique designs in December 2020 and has PCT Patent Pending status globally.
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