We prevent road accidents, we reduce carbon emissions, bringing cutting-edge computer vision ML technology from uni research to Europe's 1st AI-powered video telematics app with proprietary safety and sustainability solutions.
Artium Experts focuses on loss adjustment and claims handling activities within the offshore wind sector.
Arvensis: We are the only global talent search business, specialising in roles of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Environment for travel.
H2LLO™ Future is the umbrella solution that uses value chain system integration to deliver data driven intelligent insight, facilitating fthe creation of a smart, sustainable and clean transport and logistics industry.
Asansun-Santeri does electrical work and heat pump installations.
Professionals who work in and around wind turbines, both onshore and offshore, face a wide variety of risks. Working with heights, working in machines, working in tight spaces or working in a complex environment.
Ashcourt Fuels offers Green D+, an eco-friendly, premium diesel fuel made from only renewable and sustainable materials.
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