Finrenes has patented a system and method for processing biomass. Finrenes solution’s products are biogas and brown pellets from lignocellulosic waste biomass.
Crude Tall Oil is refined at Fintoil’s bio mill on the south-eastern coast of Finland. The resulting fractions give our clients the essential base for creating renewable biofuels, adhesives, health and wellness products, and many others.
florafuel AG has developed an innovative procedure which enables local authorities, farmers, composting plant operators and trade companies to process biomass and biogenic waste (such as grass, foliage, reeds, marshland cuttings, roadside cuttings and silage) into high-grade, regenerative CO2-neutral energy sources in the form of pellets and briquettes. The plants and dryers needed for this are developed and sold on the market by florafuel AG.
Fluid Renewables was established to develop and drive environmentally friendly renewable energy sources. Our innovative products include supportive probiotic additives that increase organic waste to energy conversion within anaerobic digestion to optimise biogas. production.
FUELSAVE GmbH was founded in 2012 to sustainably improve the fuel consumption, emission behavior and efficiency of commercial vehicles. Due to the wide range of possible applications of our technologies and the constant research for even better and more efficient solutions, our portfolio of "green" technology (e.g. heat2power, heat2gas, power2storage, power2fuel, gas2liquid, engine efficiency) has quickly expanded to new areas (marine, renewable energies, industrial plants). This makes us a young & highly innovative efficiency technology company with a wealth of trend-setting products and ideas.
As a fuel supplier, FullTank also provides distribution of hydrogen carrier hydrozine (formic acid), the CO2-neutral fuel of the future, and will act as a supply chain specialist. We not only take care of the distribution, but with our FullTank sensors we have insight into the current situations such as stocks, forecasts and we can adjust if necessary so that the customer always has a full tank.
Gazpack is a company founded in 2006, which manufactures fully customer-specific installations for cleaning oil gas and biogas. With the patented Sulaway® desulfurization method, we are able to convert raw biogas into several usable products without any waste.
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