Sunfire brings renewables everywhere. Our electrolyzers produce renewable hydrogen and syngas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, from renewable electricity, water steam and captured CO2. With our electrolysis solutions, we help energy-intensive industries and climate-conscious businesses to decarbonize entire value chains: From logistics over material inputs to energy supply.
Swagelok offers a wide range of fluid system components for use in many types of hydrogen-related applications.
Unleash the power of hydrogen. With zero site emissions, zero noise and zero spill risk, complying with Section 61 has never been easier.
TesTneT is dedicated in providing testing services to the alternative fuels industry, specializing in high pressure hydrogen (H2) fuel and compressed natural gas fuel (CNG) systems.
We are a technology and electric trucks company, leading the way to zero-emission freight with ground-breaking, range-extension innovation.
We are passionate about making the mainstream use of green hydrogen a reality. Our electrochemical materials are designed to support this goal by increasing the performance & lifetime of the systems that produce & utilise it.
The Clean Energy Partnership is a strong industry partnership in pursuit of a goal: to establish green mobility with hydrogen and fuel cells. That in itself is already grandiose. But the best thing is that it unites technology, petroleum and energy companies, gas producers, car manufacturers and suppliers work together across industries and sectors to set standards across all modes of transport. Our identity? We started out as pioneers, we are setting standards as trailblazers, and at heart we will always remain visionaries, designers, and changemakers. Our solution for a successful energy and transport transition? Hydrogen, naturally!
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