NKT offers safe and sustainable wind farm cable installations in challenging environments.
NKT's flexible and reliable solutions bring electricity to interconnected grids, hydroelectric and nuclear power plants, as well as to onshore and offshore wind farms, to oil and gas platforms and to solar energy. We pride ourselves on delivering lifelong, sustainable solutions and for generations to come.
Noordenwind, is an association for the promotion of sustainable energy in the Netherlands with the aim of installing, operating and promoting wind turbines and other forms of sustainable energy.
We are your choice when you need an experienced and competent rebar contractor. We specialize in large and demanding projects. We make reinforcement for the needs of bridge and wind turbine construction as well as a wide variety of industrial construction - with solid experience and professional skills.
Under the brand name Nordex and Acciona Windpower we offer powerful wind turbines for nearly all geographical regions across the globe.
The Nordex Group has been a pioneer in the wind power industry since 1985 and has been present in the German market since the late 1980s.
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