As our company name in Dutch implies, Sunoil Biodiesel is specialized in the production of biodiesel. In addition to biodiesel, we also produce by-products such as glycerin.
We are a customer-oriented Finnish cleantech company for waste treatment and renewable energy. Our areas of expertise include business plans and profitability calculations related to biogas and biodiesel projects and other environmental technologies. In addition, we provide project development services, assist in applying for environmental permits and outline financing solutions.
Suomen Turvetuottajat Ry is a peat industry interest organization founded in 1997, which promotes the general and common interests of its members to promote the use of bioenergy. We represent about a hundred typically smaller producers, and our members' share of the total peat production is approx. 15%.
An anaerobic digestion plant, producing renewable energy from food waste.
We are proud to be one of the first UK farms to invest in anaerobic digestion, producing renewable heat and power. Construction of the anaerobic digestor (AD plant) was completed in January 2012 and reached full output of 1.4MW/hr in March 2012.
Synergie Environ has a track record of delivering sucessful anaerobic digestion (AD) projects, including one of the first AD plants in Scotland.
Our Vision is to establish a sustainable and economically viable circular economy, utilizing organic residues and waste materials holistically to produce regenerative green hydrogen and CO2-neutral synthetic fuels.
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